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One-on-one Enneagram-based guidance in spiritual growth, discernment, and practice

Writer. Teacher. Consultant. MusicianSpiritual Director. I wear a lot of different hats! With a B.A. in communication studies and social psychology, I spent my twenties working in marketing and graphic design by day, while performing as a singer-songwriter by night. In my thirties, I embarked on a quest to become a total nerd, moving to New York City to earn my master's degree (M.Div.) from Union Theological Seminary, where I pursued advanced research in spirituality, psychology, theology, liturgy, religious dialogue, and the arts. 


For the past 15 years, my heart has been rooted in and guided by the ancient pathways of contemplative Christianity. My passion is to help unleash the life-giving Spirit of creativity, imagination, inner wisdom, and healing that is present within the heart of each and every person. My training as a spiritual director allows me to draw on a variety of modalities, both ancient and modern, in order to support both individuals and groups in their journey of integration and discernment. I offer a wide range of classes, workshops, and retreats in adult spiritual formation, including Christian spiritual practice, the enneagramthe labyrinth, contemplative prayer, spirituality and social justicemusic, and the arts. In each of my offerings, I seek to integrate spirituality, science, and sociology in order to facilitate holistic experiences of transformation that help people feel more connected to themselves, one another, and God


Through my academic research & writingpreaching, and most recently my blog, I explore the intersections between religion, myth, trauma, pop culture, and the arts. Both my writing and my teaching seek to identify and challenge the blind spots and assumptions of modern Western culture, while also building bridges of understanding between diverse communities and cultures, always in the service of solidarity and healing. I especially delight in helping religious people and institutions embrace the paradox of "sacred" and "secular" tensions at the heart of institutional and spiritual life.  




Throughout this website, you'll find images I've taken from throughout my life. While I am not a professional photographer by any means, I have always loved photography and consider it to be an essential spiritual practice of mine. The word "amateur" has taken on a derogatory meaning in our capitalist context, but it originally comes from the French term for "love." Rather than denoting a lack of skill, it simply suggests a commitment to practice something for the sake of love over profit.


Trying to capture the sense of a moment, or convey the feeling of a space within one small frame is truly one of my favorite creative challenges, especially when traveling. This gallery offers a collection of some of my favorite photos, but be sure to check out my Travel Page for a more extensive portfolio. My photography practice has given me "eyes to see" so many things along the way that I might have otherwise missed, and I'm grateful that I can share some of them here with you. Thanks for stopping by! 

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Get in touch...

Thank you for contacting me. I will be in touch very soon!

©2021 by Kristen Leigh Mitchell

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